

对于有ESS的客户,您可以直接进入 http://lbmc.evolutionpayroll.com/ess. 如果你对如何访问你的工资单有疑问,请发电子邮件 eppayroll@bosthr.com.

Let’s face it: Efficient payroll management should be a top priority for every employer—large or small. 虽然工资单会消耗雇主大量的时间和精力, working with a trusted payroll provider can save you time by helping you focus on running and expanding your business.

LBMC就业伙伴提供用户友好, 菜单驱动的, 以及不需要特殊硬件或复杂培训的安全工资解决方案, 让明升体育app下载客户生活更轻松.

明升体育app下载系统节省了宝贵的管理时间, 还有一名指定的工资代表可以回答问题. 工资单数据可以很容易地流入你的会计系统, 所有的税务申报要求都是为您管理的. You can easily generate your own special reports from real-time data that is available 24 hours a day.

LBMC EP is dedicated to helping employers maintain the highest of standards with payroll management. Our payroll specialists can help navigate the complexities of payroll processing in a timely and efficient manner, 让你和你的员工快乐和高效.


冬青Robitaille, 明升体育app下载工资组组长, 始终如一地提供世界一流的客户服务, promptly addressing and resolving a variety of payroll-related questions with unwavering patience. 不管我的询问有多复杂,有多重复, 霍莉的奉献精神和专业精神贯穿始终, 使她成为LBMC的一笔真正的财富,也是我们团队的宝贵成员.
LBMC EP提供了一种新鲜感, third-party perspective through its knowledge of employment-related regulations related to various HR situations that arise in the normal course of business. 他们的合作关系使明升体育app下载团队能够专注于日常职责, 通过提供对正在进行的员工关系的最佳实践的见解来改进工作流程.
沟通 & 田纳西州一家非营利组织的市场拓展协调员

LBMC EP工资单服务的好处








在我以前的公司,我们在内部处理工资. 我们总是有很多问题,一周又一周,这往往真的陷入困境. 有了LBMC EP,一切都得到了无缝的照顾. 每个人每周都有可靠的报酬. We don’t have to worry; we know that someone is taking care of it for us. 和LBMC EP在一起,工资是我们不需要投入精力的事情. 只要有可能,我们更愿意利用当地的企业,因为我们相信纳什维尔. 我们想回馈明升体育app下载社区,而LBMC EP给了我们这样的自由.
Excellent customer service combined with vast human resources knowledge are two major reasons other companies should consider partnering with LBMC EP. They can also effectively implement their payroll system with yours to keep things functioning and moving smoothly in the transition. They have improved our business workflow by keeping our companies compliant with HR regulations and saved our employees so much time by preparing tax forms and giving us the information we need to open new tax accounts when necessary.
While seeking out a payroll processor I wanted a hands-on company that valued service above all. Being able to talk to someone is important to me since that’s the same kind of service I offer my clients. 我希望明升体育app下载工资单提供商也能做到这一点. 自从我们和LBMC就业合作伙伴在一起之后当我有疑问或问题的时候, 我可以打电话给我的人,我知道她是否不知道答案, 她知道谁需要,而且能很快拿到. 这就是我们想要的关系. 我们要确保照顾好明升体育app下载客户, 我们要确保我们带来的伙伴关系, 和合作伙伴, 同意,我也有同感. 我们需要他们拥有与我们和LBMC相同的诚信和业务流程.
由于州和联邦资金的变化, I decided to take on my contractors as full-time employees and needed to provide payroll and healthcare. 我不知道该怎么做. 与LBMC就业伙伴的初次会面让我感到轻松, 因为我以前从未经历过这个过程. 医疗保险很合理,客户服务也很可靠. 他们帮助把担心和焦虑从工资和医疗福利管理. If you’re looking for a payroll or human resource service provider, go with LBMC and never look back. 这家公司和它的员工都很好.
总统 & 田纳西州一家非营利组织的首席执行官



  • 准确和及时的工资处理
  • 报告时间与易于使用的电子表格
  • 在处理之前是否有能力审查整个工资单的总数
  • Check Printing (or Direct Deposit) and Distribution with Option to Add a Personalized Message to Employees
  • 实时数据的临时报告功能
    • 报告库
    • 报告作者
    • 可用的自定义应用程序
  • 时钟接口和时钟解决方案(单独折扣率)
    • UKG准备好了
  • 保留工资历史记录
  • ssae兼容
  • 员工自助服务(单独折扣价)


  • 提交联邦,州和地方纳税申报表
  • 所有工资税的计算和存放
  • 快速回应税务查询
  • w -2和1099的加工和印刷
  • 新员工报告


  • 总帐报告和下载
  • 总账接口(根据系统要求)
  • 检查登记和对账报告


在纳什维尔选择最好的工资单供应商, 田纳西州, 很难知道要审查和考虑哪些服务. 有时, 似乎所有的工资服务都提供同样的东西, but there are a few considerations companies should keep in mind when choosing a payroll provider.

Most payroll service providers provide quality service but there are some who don’t put their clients first. 每年, the IRS sees a few payroll service providers who don’t submit their client’s payroll taxes and closedown abruptly. 这样,客户就有法律责任支付应交的税款, even if they had proactively sent the funds to the payroll service provider for required deposits or payments. Employers need to understand their payroll and employment tax responsibilities and choose a trusted payroll service.

1. 找一家包含工资税的公司

在处理工资单时,支付员工工资只是公司需要做的一小部分. Calculating and filing payroll taxes is one of the most complicated and important HR tasks for any business. Not only are payroll taxes time-consuming, but mistakes can result in hefty fines from the IRS. 在外包工资处理的同时,外包工资税是有道理的. Companies in 纳什维尔 should look for an all-inclusive payroll provider with a trusted reputation for filing payroll taxes correctly and on time.

2. 选择一家懂技术的公司

Some payroll services operate with antiquated or outdated software and user-friendly web tools. 无论你选择哪个工资外包公司, make sure it uses up-to-date software that can be easily integrated with your company’s HR systems. 工资 services with better technology also tend to be more aware of the security threats to the sensitive data stored in payroll software. 找一家重视技术和安全的公司.

3. 找一个有省时工具的服务

很多信息都涉及到工资处理和税收, 但是一些软件程序已经使它更容易收集, track, 获取这些信息. 寻找一个有计时工具的工资单提供商, 在线注册工具, 员工自助服务将节省公司的时间和金钱.

4. 优先考虑客户服务

好的工资单软件非常重要. 但是,有时候,你需要或想要和一个真实的人交谈. Be sure that your payroll service provider has a customer support team that’s available to coach you through both your initial transition and answer questions for years to come.

5. 选择一家能和你一起成长的公司

的主要好处 外包工资 腾出时间来发展你的业务吗. 当增长真的发生时, you need a payroll service that can scale up to accommodate additional employees and services. 确保找到一个有明确定价结构的工资单服务. 这将有助于在服务增加时避免任何潜在的意外.

6. 寻找当地的工资外包供应商

If you’re a 田纳西州-based business, you should find a payroll service that is based in 田纳西州. 这不仅允许面对面的协作, 但当地供应商更了解将直接影响你业务的法律. 工资法在不断变化, 而本地供应商最能意识到他们所在地区的变化. 有关IRS推荐的CPEO提供商列表,请参阅他们的 CPEO公开上市 在国税局.政府.

7. 考虑外包其他人力资源服务

一些薪资外包公司还提供其他人力资源服务. 专业雇主组织s (PEOs) can include payroll processing and taxes in a bundle of other HR management services. 如果你已经在考虑外包工资,那么这样做是有意义的 外包其他人力资源工作 也.


美国国税局在最近的一份报告中推荐了几个工资单提供商选项 帮助企业防范欺诈的税务提示. 选项如下:

  • 认证专业雇主组织(PEO). 在大多数情况下, 经认证的私人股本公司有责任支付客户的雇佣税, 申报, and making deposits and payments for the taxes reported related to wages and other compensation. 雇主可以在他们的网站上找到这些供应商 公开上市 国税局网页.政府.
  • 报告代理. 申报代理人必须将客户的税款存入银行 电子联邦纳税系统 并且可以代表客户与国税局交换信息,例如解决问题. 他们还被要求向客户提供一份书面声明,提醒雇主, 而不是报告代理人, 最终是否负责及时提交报税表和缴纳税款.

防止欺诈, the IRS encourages employers to enroll in EFTPS and make sure its payroll service provider uses EFTPS to make tax deposits. It’s a free service and it gives employers safe and easy online access to their payment history when deposits are made under their Employer Identification Number, enabling them to monitor whether their payroll service provider is meeting its tax deposit responsibilities.

LBMC雇佣伙伴有限责任公司是田纳西州首屈一指的薪资服务提供商,为各种规模的企业提供选择. We were the first 田纳西州-based PEO to receive the Certified Professional Employment Organization (CPEO) designation in the first round of IRS certifications. 要了解更多明升体育app下载的薪资服务和/或明升体育app下载PEO服务,请立即与我们联系.

本页所有内容和服务均由LBMC雇佣伙伴有限责任公司提供. LBMC雇佣伙伴有限责任公司, is part of the LBMC Family of Companies and is an independent entity with services and products being provided exclusively by LBMC雇佣伙伴有限责任公司.